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Friday, November 23, 2012

and so has the perfect body

No One Is Perfect! by Kenia Morales
Sometimes we look at people in the spotlight such as actors, politicians etc. and think wow, he/she is perfect. This can also happen with some of our peers. I am sure there are some circumstances were you wished you could have something that someone else possesses. It is a natural trait and sometimes we do it without even noticing. You know the usual comment or thought so, and so has the perfect body, she is so smart, etc,if you like it. Although,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Black Boots, this is a natural human characteristic we must ensure that it does not get out of hand.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to have great qualities that other individual's hone. However,What is the required qualification, when you do this constantly or excessively then you might have a problem. Why? You maybe wondering,leaders must Guide their people, it's simple you are wasting your time and energy. It is a useless activity. Well, you might feel a little envious, definitely not a great feeling to strive for.
When you focus on your wants and desires then you are actually taking a first step towards self improvement. Let's face it no one is perfect! Remember, the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence. However, chances are that if you are given an opportunity to walk on someone else's shoes; you will be able to pinpoint their flaws immediately and vice versa.
Once you focus on you and work on improving, you will lose the urge to compare yourself to others constantly but, most importantly you will feel much happier. Remember, no one is perfect and as long as you learn from your mistakes they are definitely not in vain.

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